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Banner Setup Instructions


Follow these instructions carefully and in the exact order specified. Skipping steps may lead to installation issues.

Before requesting support, check the Frequently Asked Questions for troubleshooting common errors.

Creating Necessary File Paths

  • Navigate to the Root Directory (e.g., C:\, D:\).
  • Create a folder named Modding and open it.
  • Inside, create a folder named Wabbajack (DO NOT open it).
  • Create another folder named Uranium Fever and open it.
  • Inside Uranium Fever, create a folder named downloads.
Double Check

Verify these file paths exist (Root Directory may vary):

  • C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\downloads
  • C:\Modding\Wabbajack

Creating Antivirus Exclusions


Excluding these folders prevents Windows or third-party antivirus from blocking essential files.

  • Open Windows Security.

  • Go to Virus & Threat Protection.

  • Under Virus & Threat Protection Settings, select Manage Settings.

  • Scroll to Exclusions and select Add or Remove Exclusions.

  • Add exclusions for:

    • C:\Modding\Uranium Fever

    • C:\Modding\Wabbajack


  • Repeat this process for any third-party antivirus software.

Downloading Wabbajack

  • Download the Wabbajack Installation file.
  • Move the downloaded file to C:\Modding\Wabbajack.
  • Rename Wabbajack.exe to Wabbajack Launcher.exe
  • Run Wabbajack Launcher.exe to complete the installation.
  • Close Wabbajack.
Version Check

DO NOT use pre-existing installations of Wabbajack.

Wabbajack should ONLY be launched from the Wabbajack Launcher.exe.

Creating Clean Installs and Backups


This is part one of a process that creates a SELF-CONTAINED installation that won't interfere with preexisting modded setups.

  • Navigate to C:\[STEAM or GOG FILEPATH] and:
    • Move the Fallout New Vegas folder to the desktop.
    • Delete the Fallout New Vegas folder instead if backups are not desired.
    • Delete the Fallout 3 folder.
  • Navigate to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games and:
    • Move the FalloutNV folder to the desktop.
    • Delete the FalloutNV folder if backups are not desired.
    • Delete the Fallout3 folder.
  • Open Steam or GOG and:
    • Uninstall Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 if they are still installed.
    • Reinstall Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3.

These clean installations and backups will be utilized in the Creating a Clean Stock New Vegas Folder section.

Installing Uranium Fever

  • Launch the Wabbajack application.

  • Open the settings cogwheel in Wabbajack and log into your Nexus account.


  • Click back and select Browse Modlists.


  • Open the games drop-down menu and select Fallout New Vegas.

  • Toggle the Show Unofficial Lists filter.

  • Search for Uranium Fever and click the download button.


  • Once finished, click the play button (which has now replaced the download button).


  • Target Modlist will auto-populate with the filepath of the Uranium Fever Installation file.

    • This filepath may differ slightly depending on the version of Wabbajack and Uranium Fever.
  • COPY (Ctrl+C) C:\Modding\Uranium Fever, changing the Root Directory if necessary, and PASTE (Ctrl+V) it into the Modlist Installation Location.

  • Resource Download Location will auto-populate C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\downloads.

  • Enable the Overwrite Installation checkbox.


  • Begin the installation and accept the Nexus Mods API request when prompted.

  • If you are not a Nexus Mods premium user, manually click download on each mod.

  • When complete, Wabbajack will display a green, confirmatory Installation Complete notification.

  • Close Wabbajack.

  • Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions for a list of initial troubleshooting steps for common installation errors PRIOR to requesting support.

Let the installation FINISH prior to starting the following sections.

Creating a Clean Stock New Vegas Folder


This is part two of a process that creates a SELF-CONTAINED installation that won't interfere with preexisting modded setups.

Step 1: Creating the Clean Stock New Vegas Folder

  • Navigate to the newly reinstalled C:\[STEAM or GOG FILEPATH]\Fallout New Vegas folder, COPY ALL of the contents (click inside the folder, press Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C), and PASTE (Ctrl+V) them into the C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas folder.

Step 2: Restoring Backups of Current Installs/Modded Instances


SKIP step 2 if not backing up another modded instance of Fallout: New Vegas.

  • After successfully creating the Clean Stock New Vegas folder, restore the files that were previously backed up.
    • Move your Fallout New Vegas folder from your desktop back into its origin in the C:\[STEAM or GOG FILEPATH] folder, selecting Replace when prompted.
    • Move your FalloutNV folder from your desktop back into its origin in the C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games folder, selecting Replace when prompted.

Step 3: Reviewing the Files in the Clean Stock New Vegas Folder

  • The clean [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas folder should now contain the following files. If EXTRA files NOT INCLUDED in the following screenshots are present, DELETE the [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas folder, repeat Installing Uranium Fever, then start this section over.

Some of the GECK files or SSCE5432.dll may be missing. This is normal and will not negatively impact the installation.

  • Steam - [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas file contents:

    Steam Stock

  • GOG - [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas file contents:

    GOG Stock

Extra Files

Extra files beyond those included in the above screenshots indicate unsuccessful creation of a clean [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas and will prevent the game from launching.

Generating Fresh INI Files

  • Launch Fallout: New Vegas from Steam/GOG.
  • Click OK when prompted with Detecting Video Hardware.
  • Close the launcher.
  • Repeat this process for Fallout 3.

Launching Mod Organizer 2 (MO2)

  • Launch ModOrganizer.exe from C:\Modding\Uranium Fever.
  • If prompted that FalloutNV_lang.esp was found, select Yes.
  • If prompted to register to handle nxm links, select Yes.

Intel iGPU Users and GPUs Without Vulkan Support - Downgrading DXVK

Pre-Bundled DXVK

The latest version of DXVK comes included with Uranium Fever.

Intel iGPUs and older GPUs without Vulkan support are incompatible with the bundled version of DXVK and must instead use a downgraded version.

  • Intel iGPU users:

    • Navigate to the C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\DXVK\DXVK 1.10.1 folder.
    • Move d3d9.dll and dxvk.confinto C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas, selecting Replace when prompted.
  • GPUs without Vulkan support:

    • Navigate to the C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\DXVK\DXVK 1.10.3 folder.
    • Move d3d9.dll and dxvk.confinto C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas, selecting Replace when prompted.

Configuring Game Settings

  • In the top-right corner of MO2, open the drop-down menu labeled Uranium Fever and select Configuring Game Settings.

  • Click Run.

    Configuring Game Settings

  • Navigate to Options and select the Ultra Preset.

    • For weaker machines or performance concerns, select the Very High preset, though this reduces visual quality.
  • Uncheck the Windowed option if checked and select your monitor's resolution.

    • If your monitor's resolution is unavailable, manually set it by opening MO2's INI editor, navigating to the Falloutprefs.ini tab, and adjusting iSize W and iSize H under the Display section to match your screen's width and height.
  • Click OK and close the launcher.

    Game Settings

Steam Polish-Czech-Russian (PCR) Version
  • Open executable settings 352871292-1de0e254-e1a2-4d2a-bac2-df9630e0677b.

  • Select Configuring Game Settings, check the Overwrite Steam AppID box, enter 22490 in the corresponding field, and click Apply.


Configuring Game Settings Crashes

Refer to Frequently Asked Questions for common troubleshooting steps before requesting support.

Installing Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW)

Required Mod
  • Download the Tale of Two Wastelands Installer and extract the archive.
  • Open the extracted Tale of Two Wastelands Installer folder. Right-click TTW Install.exe and select Run as Administrator.
  • Verify that the Fallout 3 file path matches your Steam/GOG Fallout 3 installation path.
  • Copy (Ctrl+C) C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas, changing the Root Directory path if necessary, and paste (Ctrl+V) it into the Fallout New Vegas file path.
  • Copy (Ctrl+C) C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\mods\[NoDelete] Tale of Two Wastelands, changing the Root Directory path if necessary, and paste (Ctrl+V) it into the Tale of Two Wastelands Installation Path.
Confirm the File Path

Ensure the installation file path is C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\MODS\[NoDelete] Tale of Two Wastelands. Installing outside of the mods folder will prevent the game from launching.

  • Click Install.

    TTW Install

  • Once the installation is complete and the confirmation screen appears, close the installer.

    TTW Confirmation

Double Check

Navigate to C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\mods, right-click the [NoDelete] Tale of Two Wastelands folder, select Properties, and verify that the folder size is exactly 17GB.

If not, delete the [NoDelete] Tale of Two Wastelands and [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas folders, then repeat the steps starting from Creating Clean Installs and Backups.


The TTW Installer MUST run on the copy of Fallout: New Vegas inside the [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas folder. A prior TTW installation CANNOT be moved into the Uranium Fever TTW mod folder. The TTW installation process performs BSA decompression, binary patching, and sound file extension alterations, which are critical for a functional installation.

Running 4GB Patcher

  • Navigate to C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas and run FNVpatch.exe.
  • A CMD prompt popup will appear, confirming FalloutNV.exe patched!. FalloutNV_backup.exe will also appear in the folder.

Failure to run the 4GB Patch will result in a pink screen or crash when launching the game.

Installing New Vegas Reloaded (NVR)

Required Mod

DO NOT download the versions available in the Ready Builds or Testing channels.

  • Click the Install a New Mod from Archive icon in the top left corner of MO2 Install Mod from Archive, select the downloaded NVR archive from the Downloads folder, and name it [NoDelete] NVR (VLQ) (LQ).

  • Select Replace when prompted Mod Exists.


Updating New Vegas Reloaded

When instructed to update the mod, simply repeat these steps.

Installing on Linux


Linux inherently requires above average operating system knowledge and troubleshooting capability. As such, these instructions are less specific. Support WILL NOT be provided for the Linux installation process.

  • Requirements:

    • Windows - Access to Windows via a separate installation or a virtual machine.
    • Lutris, Libstrangle, Steam, and SteamTinkerLaunch.
  • Instructions:

    • Follow all of the above installation instructions ON WINDOWS.
    • Copy the C:\Modding\Uranium Fever folder to a temporary location on Linux.
    • Open Lutris, click the plus arrow, then search for and install Fallout: New Vegas.
      • Take note of the installation location.
      • Test Fallout: New Vegas to ensure it functions prior to proceeding.
    • Install MO2 via SteamTinkerLaunch.
    • Locate the SteamTinkerLaunch installation of MO2 and copy its wine prefix folder over to Lutris WITHOUT overwriting any files.
    • In Lutris, right click Fallout New Vegas, duplicate its folder, and name it Uranium Fever.
    • Open the Uranium Fever installation winetricks, click on install a dll/component, and add lavfilters and vcrun2022. Then, enable fontsmooth-rgb in winetricks' settings.
    • Move your Uranium Fever folder into the Fallout New Vegas wine prefix folder, preferably next to the Fallout New Vegas folder.
    • Right click the Uranium Fever profile and:
      • In the Runner Options tab, change the runner to wine-ge.
      • In the Game Options tab, change the executable path to the modorganizer.exe in the Uranium Fever folder.
      • In the System Options tab, navigate to environment tables and delete all entries, instead adding DXVK_STATE_CACHE disable. IF using an AMD GPU with RADV drivers, also add RADV_DEBUG noatocdithering.
    • In command prefix, type strangle 60.
    • Launch Uranium Fever through Lutris to open MO2.
    • In MO2:
      • In the MO2 settings, navigate to Paths, then Managed Games. Ensure this path reflects the Stock New Vegas folder.
      • Change the Executable Path for Uranium Fever Launcher and Uranium Fever to reflect the corresponding executables in the Stock New Vegas folder.
      • Open falloutcustom.ini and add iPresentInterval=0 under [Display].
    • Repeat the Configuring Game Settings section of the Windows installation instructions.
    • The game should now launch appropriately. Prior to starting a new game, open settings, then Tweaks, and disable No Pip-Boy on Alt Tab.


  • MO2's Nexus Handler does not work. As Uranium Fever is updated, corresponding updates will need to be installed manually.
  • Double clicking on a mod in MO2 causes MO2 to freeze. Because of this, mods must be edited manually from explorer.
  • If problems are encountered, launch Lutris with debug output via the terminal by typing in lutris -d.

Disabling Base Address Randomization


This step can prevent unforeseen crashes.

  • Open Windows Security from the Start Menu.

  • Open App & Browser Control from the left sidebar.

  • Open Exploit Protection Settings under Exploit Protection.

  • Set Force Randomization for Images (Mandatory ASLR) to Use Default (Off).

    Base Address

Disabling Steam Overlay


This process disables Steam Overlay, which causes crashes and worsen performance.

  • Navigate to the Steam Root Folder (where steam.exe is located).

  • Right click GameOverlayRenderer.dll and open properties.

  • Open the security tab and click edit.

  • Click the Deny option under Read & Execute for every user.

  • Click Apply, then Yes.

    Steam Overlay 1

  • In the same folder, right click SteamOverlayVulkanLayer.dll and open properties.

  • Open the security tab and click edit.

  • Click the Deny option under Read & Execute for every user.

  • Click Apply, then Yes.

    Steam Overlay 2


This step will need to be repeated each time Steam updates, which occurs each time time steam launches.

Disabling DXVK Cache Storage


Disabling DXVK Cache Storage prevents memory-related crashes by halting the creation of the DXVK cache.

  • Press the Windows button.

  • Search for Env, then select Edit the system environmental variables.

  • In the dialog box, click Environmental Variables.

  • Under User variables for USER NAME, click New.

  • Enter DXVK_STATE_CACHE in the Variable name field.

  • Enter disable in the Variable value field.

  • Click OK and exit the Environmental Variables window.


  • Delete any existing DXVK Cache:

    • Steam Users:
      • Navigate to Steam > steamapps > shadercache > 22380 and delete DXVK_STATE_CACHE if it exists.
    • GOG Users:
      • Navigate to Uranium Fever > [NoDelete] Stock New Vegas > FalloutNV.dxvk-cache and delete DXVK_STATE_CACHE if it exists.
  • Restart your computer for changes to take effect.

Installing RivaTuner Statistics Server (RTSS)


FPS limiters make the game smoother by reducing rapid FPS fluctuations and preventing timescale desync bugs.

  • Download and install RTSS.

  • Open the System Tray and click the RTSS icon.

    RTSS Icon

  • Press the green Add button and select FalloutNV.exe from C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas. Click OK.


  • Select FalloutNV.exe.

  • Set Application Detection Level to Low.

  • Set Framerate Limit to 59.95.

Exceeding a Framerate Limit of 59.95

Exceeding this value, even on powerful machines, can result in significantly increased stuttering. Exceeding 120 can result in timesync abnormalities.

RTSS Frame

  • Open the settings using the Setup button.

  • Enable Passive Waiting and set Framerate Limiter to Front Edge Sync.

  • Click OK, then MINIMIZE (not close) RTSS back to the System Tray.

    RTSS Setup

Nvidia Users - Applying Nvidia Profile


Enabling Flip Model (DXVK with DXGI) reduces latency and supports HDR and VRR.

  • Download the premade Fallout: New Vegas Nvidia Driver Profile.

  • Download Nvidia Profile Inspector and extract the contents.

  • Run Nvidia Profile Inspector, click Import user defined profiles, then select Import Profiles.

    Import Nvidia Profile

  • Select FNV-NvidiaProfile.nip and click Open.

    Selecting Premade Nvidia Profile

  • Click OK on the Profile Successfully Imported! prompt.

    Nvidia Successfully Imported

  • Click Apply Changes, then close the program.

    Apply Nvidia Profile

Driver Updates

Repeat this process after every Nvidia driver update.

  • Disable the NVIDIA overlay in the NVIDIA app settings, as it can reduce performance.

    NVIDIA Overlay

Selecting a Uranium Fever Profile

  • In MO2, select Uranium Fever from the dropdown menu, then choose a profile.

    UF Profile

    • High Quality Profile: Enables all mods and settings.
    • Standard Quality Profile: Disables several performance-intensive New Vegas Reloaded settings (e.g., shadow shaders, terrain parallax shader, and wetworld shader).
    • Low Quality Profile: Disables New Vegas Reloaded, Uranium Haze, and related mods.
    • Very Low Quality Profile: Further reduces settings and disables additional effect and lighting mods.
    • Debugging Profile: Minimal load order, only essential mods enabled.

Launching The Game

  • Launch the game via MO2. Launching from Steam, GOG, or the Uranium Fever Launcher will NOT launch the game with Uranium Fever enabled.

  • If prompted that INIs are read-only, select Clear the Read Only Flag.


Crashing During Game Launch

Overwolf is incompatible and will cause a launch crash.

For other sources of crashes, refer to Frequently Asked Questions for troubleshooting steps before requesting support.

Desktop Shortcuts

Do NOT create desktop shortcuts. This will cause load order abnormalities when updating Uranium Fever.

Modders Installing Geck

  • Steam users:
    • Navigate to Steam and install GECK - New Vegas Edition.
    • Navigate to C:\[STEAM FILEPATH]\Fallout New Vegas and move SSCE5432.dll into C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas.
    • Move GECK.exe from C:\Modding\Uranium Fever into C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas.
  • GOG users:
    • Move GECK.exe from C:\Modding\Uranium Fever into C:\Modding\Uranium Fever\[NoDelete] Stock New Vegas, selecting Replace when prompted.